
This is my December These are my snow-covered trees This is me pretending 

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361 :以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(不明なsoftbank) [sage saga]:2023/01/01(日) 00:02:09.39 ID:Cqa+T7AOo
Don't even take a breath            There's music playing
The air is cut with cyanide           But we dance to the beat        Have we lost what we love?
In honor of the New Year            Of our own black hearts        Have we said everything?
                           And draw diagrams            Does it change anything?
The press gives us cause to celebrate    Of suicide on each other's wrists   Stare at the clock
The air raid sirens                Then trace them with razorblades   Avoid at all costs,
Flood barbed wire skylines                                  This emptiness.
With artificial night,               Fire to flames
As we sleep to burn the red          "Strike Match."              Ten seconds left
From our bloodless eyes.                                   Until midnight
Tonight we're all time bombs          Burn these words from our lips    Nine chances to drown ourselves
On fault lines.                   As 'The Daggar' screams        In black hair dye
                           "Love is dead"              Eight faces turned away
Have we lost everything now?         And it's a "newspaper tragedy,"    From the shock
Walking like each other's ghosts                               Seven windows and six of them
Around these silent streets                                 Were locked
(the sedatives tell you everything                             Five stories falling
Is alright)                                            Forever and ever
                                                  Three cheers to the mirror
Like calendars dying                                      Now there are two of us
At New Year's Eve parties                                  Can we have one last dance?
As we kiss hard on the lips
And swear this year                                      Jet Black, the ink that spells your name
Will be better then the last                                 Jet Black, The blood that's in your veins
Jet Black, the ink that spells your name                          We say, "How long can we take this chance not to celebrate?"
Jet Black, The blood that's in your veins
We say, "How long can we take this chance not to celebrate?"
                                                           Jet Black New Year - by Thursday
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