1- 20
1: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:25:08.83 ID:k0y52NOR0

《Good evening to all the citizens of the United States of America residing in Hawaii. Today's ceremony will begin at 17:00 at Pearl Harbor───》

「Listen up, fellas! The victory ceremony is in less than two hours!

Check the security plan again and get it into your heads, and if anyone looks the slightest bit shitty, put them on the ground immediately!」

「「「Sir Yes Sir!!!」」」

「Good evening! This is Hawaii Local Television, reporting live!

There are only two hours left for the ceremony────」


「Check armbands and ID cards.

HQ, the Japanese guys on Main Street are the media who already have a permit. No problem, out.」




《This is security boat No. 10. We found a small fishing boat capsized. Please inquire the vessel number.》

SSWiki : ss.vip2ch.com

2: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:26:37.65 ID:k0y52NOR0

以下略 AAS

3: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:27:38.28 ID:k0y52NOR0

「Welcome to Hawaii! Our food packs more punch than the dive bombing of the Imperial Japanese Army!」
以下略 AAS

4: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:28:40.41 ID:k0y52NOR0

川 ゚ -゚)艦娘専門店へようこそ!のようです
以下略 AAS

5: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:29:40.38 ID:k0y52NOR0
《It is now PM 4 o'clock!

One hour remained before the start of the ceremony!

People of the United States of America, let us celebrate our victory in the war in a grand way!》
以下略 AAS

6: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:30:41.50 ID:k0y52NOR0


以下略 AAS

7: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:31:30.00 ID:k0y52NOR0

以下略 AAS

8: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:32:43.64 ID:k0y52NOR0

《The silence of the security boats has already exceeded 20! We can no longer look at this as a mere accident!
Order the Key West, which was scheduled to enter port, to stand by! The alert level at sea is to be shifted to high alert within 15 minutes!》

以下略 AAS

9: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:33:41.10 ID:k0y52NOR0


以下略 AAS

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