5: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:29:40.38 ID:k0y52NOR0
《It is now PM 4 o'clock!
One hour remained before the start of the ceremony!
People of the United States of America, let us celebrate our victory in the war in a grand way!》
《Last year there was another attack by radical "patriots" on Japanese tourists. We must be vigilant in protecting our tourists, especially during the ceremony.》
《Security boat No.14 collided with "marine life" and capsized. No.4 is currently rescuing the crew.》
《Copy. Notify other security boats.》
《HQ from 31st Security boat, any chance of an "enemy" attack?》
《Negative.There is no response on radar and the guy who hit the security boat is obviously too small to be a submarine. It is definitely a whale or a big killer whale. But it's still dangerous, though.》
\\\No WAR!! No WAR!! No WAR!!///
\\\USA!! USA!! USA!!///
《As the celebration progresses, the patriotic crowds and anti-war groups seem to be heating up. The Hawaii State Police have issued a warning to visitors and locals alike in case any of these clashes occur───》
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