1- 20
6: ◆vVnRDWXUNzh3[sage saga]
2023/08/15(火) 22:30:41.50 ID:k0y52NOR0




《No.17, 20, 23 is No response!

That's more than 10 security boats silenced! Are you sure this is not an enemy attack!?》

《But there is no response on radar, and there is no way a submarine could be active in the currents and depths in this area……》

《The content of the ceremony is the content of the ceremony. Did the ghosts of the Imperial Japanese Army come out of it?》

《Ridiculous. ......... In the meantime, you should approach Pacific Command about raising the alert level.

Also, uh, check with the churches in the state of Hawaii to see if you can call some sisters or priests.》

「Fuck Jap!! Go Home!!」



「Hey, leave it! If you don't want to get thrown in jail, you'd better back away with your hands up!」

「HQ, HQ, Some members off the demonstration course are causing trouble with Japanese tourists. They will be detained from now on.」

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