349 名前:High Sierra Sky ★[] 投稿日:2019/09/04(水) 16:13:37.19 ID:CAP_USER9 We detected disk full error on rosie server. And some thread was lost or damaged. We will try the rewind the thread from backup. We are so sorry for the inconvenience.
352: High Sierra Sky ★ [] 2019/09/04(水) 16:48:59 ID:CAP_USER9 Backed up threads are before 2days, timestamp 2nd. Sept. 09/02. Backing up worker was affected it too. Those thread are a little old. So we will rewind to be chosen thread by bellow condition.
`Broken thread file size < Backed up thread size.`
Otherwise, we never touch the broken thread. We apologize for the inconvenience.
424 名前:High Sierra Sky ★[] 投稿日:2019/11/15(金) 11:18:38.82 ID:CAP_USER9 We schedule security update on each servers at this midnight. It will be estimated to encounter the timeout while a bit. We apologize for the inconvenience.