566:名無しNIPPER[sage saga] 2022/01/01(土) 07:09:56.82 ID:QqSyJSvAo Don't even take a breath There's music playing The air is cut with cyanide But we dance to the beat Have we lost what we love? In honor of the New Year Of our own black hearts Have we said everything? And draw diagrams Does it change anything? The press gives us cause to celebrate Of suicide on each other's wrists Stare at the clock
570:名無しNIPPER[sage saga] 2022/01/01(土) 08:52:13.78 ID:QqSyJSvAo ヽ / / / / /! ! l ヽ 、 _/ Y/ / ' /|l ! ! ーzz , ‖ ,' i i ハ ! l l i ミ i ハ | ,ィ l !ヘ l l ‘ l / l l .! /l ハ_l \ ! /l l ' ! ,, イ