3:以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(北海道)[sage saga] 2021/09/15(水) 17:13:44.58 ID:IvoxD9nao Their petals tell a time-worn tale Words lost unto the wind: ex14.vip2ch.com A burden slowly becoming uneasy,silenced by isolation ex14.vip2ch.com Let her know life will unravel, so beautifully.
4:以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(北海道)[sage saga] 2021/09/15(水) 17:14:03.02 ID:IvoxD9nao Their petals tell a time-worn tale Words lost unto the wind: ex14.vip2ch.com A burden slowly becoming uneasy,silenced by isolation ex14.vip2ch.com Let her know life will unravel, so beautifully.