4:以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(北海道)[sage saga] 2020/11/20(金) 14:24:34.85 ID:VIcO4MeQo I’ve never felt this trinity. maybe i’m damned; infinitely doomed. ex14.vip2ch.com i will endure, i will persist, i will learn to forgive myself. ex14.vip2ch.com they had their dance with death. eighty-six years you suffered. ex14.vip2ch.com science knows you’re wrong and we’ll scream with the strength of venus. ex14.vip2ch.com my vision was enhanced,ridden with anxiety,but i couldn’t sit quietly. ex14.vip2ch.com you were chased by relentlessness. always restate in endlessness ex14.vip2ch.com how many trials will it take to call every bluff? there’s so many of you. ex14.vip2ch.com I think you shouldn't have glorified; now you're wrong ex14.vip2ch.com Tahdon olla Pohjasakkaa Luuseri Nolla ex14.vip2ch.com All faults falling a top of the beast, pissing in the wind ex14.vip2ch.com
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