547:以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(北海道)[sage saga] 2020/11/07(土) 11:39:01.25 ID:uDUAxxsio ヽ / / / / /! ! l ヽ 、 _/ Y/ / ' /|l ! ! ーzz , ‖ ,' i i ハ ! l l i ミ i ハ | ,ィ l !ヘ l l ‘ l / l l .! /l ハ_l \ ! /l l ' ! ,, イ
548:以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(北海道)[sage saga] 2020/11/07(土) 11:53:48.75 ID:uDUAxxsio Phase Out | Cara Neir https://caraneir.bandcamp.com/album/phase-out This album is about us being warped into a video game 8-bit dimension by a sinister alien entity who's origins go back as far as our first release (part I/part II). In this album, we phase out into fantastical RPG-like depictions of ourselves traversing different songs as game levels, trying to beat them in the hope we escape.
The listener will experience a range of bits, bleeps, beats, and buzzing sounds you might hear from 90's dungeon crawlers and JRPG's, all sprinkled within our shape-shifting genre-bending hysteria. Enjoy the ride.