796:以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(北海道)[sage saga] 2020/03/24(火) 01:51:07.75 ID:ubcyHXFTo Update on Friday’s Campaign to Support Artists During the Covid-19 Pandemic | Bandcamp Daily https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/update-on-fridays-campaign-to-support-artists-during-the-covid-19-pandemic We want to thank everyone who joined us last Friday in supporting artists and raising awareness about the impact of Covid-19 on the music community.
The numbers tell a remarkable story: on a typical Friday, fans buy about 47,000 items on Bandcamp, but this past Friday, fans bought nearly 800,000, or $4.3 million worth of music and merch. That’s more than 15 times our normal Friday, and at the peak, fans were buying 11 items per second.
We would like to thank all of you, along with NPR, Pitchfork, Billboard, Resident Advisor, Music Ally, Variety, The Verge, Consequence of Sound, Vice, Paper, Forbes, Paste, and many more for helping us spread the word, and for the many labels who gave 100% of their proceeds to their artists as well.
We don’t yet know the long-term impact of Covid-19, but we know that we all need music―to uplift and inspire us, to heal us, and to give us hope. We’ll continue working to make Bandcamp the best place for fans and artists to come together and sustain each other in the challenging times ahead. Thank you again, and we wish you all good health!