4:以下、名無しにかわりまして一人でお送りします(北海道)[sage saga] 2019/09/05(木) 14:05:09.90 ID:nwagk5y4o Nothing...Pain means nothing ex14.vip2ch.com Но все пройдет. Как слишком приторный вкус ex14.vip2ch.com Everybody's full of shit To put it bluntly, I hate you all ex14.vip2ch.com so show some fucking sympathy. you tell me “it’s generational.” ex14.vip2ch.com Three simple words bled me dry Three simple word bled us dry, bled us dry ex14.vip2ch.com It's over, all over. This pulse will beat again despite being forgotten. ex14.vip2ch.com Were you shaken by the guide rail? Did you feel the fire deface you? ex14.vip2ch.com A violent epilogue, to me the most peaceful end. ex14.vip2ch.com Except this finite wall of flesh Why is light given? ex14.vip2ch.com